Meet the Founder

I am Jayne Cruickshank and I have been working as a conference interpreter in Geneva for over 20 years. Born in the land of Robin Hood, I spent my first two years on the Atlantic coast and was then raised in the Pyrenees. After backpacking around the world, I’m proud to say I’m a Swiss citizen of the world.

From a very early age, I knew that languages would be at the heart of my life. But interpreting is about more than just languages—it’s about human connection. I love the energy in the room, the tension as the audience hangs on the speaker’s every word, and the intense focus of those who close their eyes to catch every syllable.

Pleased to meet you. I am your voice,” is how I might introduce myself to a chairman. When I interpret, I’m not simply relaying words; I speak with a smile when the speaker is joyful, and with tears in my eyes when their sorrow is palpable. My entire body resonates with the speaker’s emotions, which reach the audience through my voice.

The English word euphony comes from a Greek word which connects the terms “good” and “voice”. With my company Euphony, I want to provide my clients with a team of interpreters who share my passion for interpretation. Our goal is for our voices to match the speaker’s intentions so precisely that the audience forgets they aren’t hearing the speaker’s own voice.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for any enquiry. Let our voices speak to your audience.